Tips for finding a job post-pandemic

Students often combine their studies with many types of work experience that equip them to confidently take on the ever-changing professional world after they graduate.  The job market looks especially different after the last year and finding work opportunities can seem more competitive and challenging than before. Here are some practical and actionable advice for students …


There’s no denial of the fact that 2020 has been an extremely difficult year for all of us, but if we pause and think – the coronavirus pandemic has surely taught us some valuable lessons that we’ll all carry for the rest of our lives. It has taught us to respect Mother Nature and be …

10 Ways To Make the Most of Your Neighborhood This Summer

Whether you’ve recently moved and are just getting to know the neighborhood, or are looking for new ways to make the most out of your home and its location this season, we’re here to help. We have 10 fun and easy things to do this summer to make the most out of your neighborhood, old …

Sample Internship Interview Questions

As students prepare for their internship interview, they should be ready to address the key skills and accomplishments that they have listed on their resume. They should be able to highlight the experience listed on their resume and tell stories that illustrate their strengths and let the organization know what they have to offer them as a …

Tips for a Successful Video Job Interview

Do you have a video interview on your schedule? As hiring becomes global and more employees work remotely, video interviews have become commonplace. For hiring managers and recruiters, they’re a way to quickly conduct first-round interviews, save on transportation costs, and get the interview process started much faster than scheduling in-person interviews. For some positions, the …

How To Turn Your Home Into A School Without Losing Your Sanity

With school closures happening all across the country due to the coronavirus outbreak, public schools are varying widely in what they offer. If you’re one of the tens of millions of parents who are now essentially homeschooling your kids, we have some tips to help you keep your kids engaged and everyone sane. Know your …

7 ideas to volunteer in your community/neighborhood

You can better your community — and your life — by volunteering for causes you care about. It’s been proven that helping others is good not only for the recipients of your largesse, but for enhancing your own well-being, too. Teach what you know… Whether you’re a trained musician, a small business owner, or a …

meNeighbour Winner of the Best Community Connection Social Network 2021

meNeighbour, the free, secure, and private social network for neighborhoods, is proud to announce it has won the 2021 CorporateVision – Best Community Connection Social Network award. CorporateVision, a brand of AI media, is a digital platform to support and guide better business practices across the global corporate world featuring companies that innovate, grow, and …

5 Things That Make You a Better Neighbour

We all should try to do greater things and be better. If you feel you aren’t a good neighbor, you can start changing today by following these tips: #1 Spend In Your Neighborhood Help your community generate revenue by going to your local places instead of going out of town. For example, hold a wedding …

It’s spring in Canada

How Canadian neighbourhood comes back to life within a matter of weeks Pink tulips swaying in the breeze, a canopy of white fragrant cherry blossoms raining petals; spring marks the end of winter and ushers in a cheery sense of optimism. And it’s the kick-off of Canada’s festival season, plus the start of patio socialising …